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Nordcap Moretti Forni iM 8-iMix Manuel D'instructions page 22


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1.1 Warra ty
Guara%teed f"r 1 year fr"# date "f purchase The date #ust be sta#ped "% the guara%tee "% the
date "f purchase Parts "f the #achi%e f"u%d t" be a pr"ducti"% defect exept e&ectrica&
c"#p"%e%ts "r parts w"r% "ut0 wi&& be cha%ged a%d serviced free by us i% "ur fir# but "%&y ex "ur
fact"ry withi% this peri"d De&ivery expe%ces a%d c"sts "f &ab"ur are exc&uded fr"# the warra%ty
The warra%ty wi&& %"t be va&id whe% the da#age is due t"8 tra%sp"rtati"%0 #istaBe% "r
i%sufficie%t #ai%te%a%ce0 u%sBi&&ed "perat"rs0 da#agi%g0 repairs #ade by u%auth"ri/ed pers"%%e&0
%"% "bserva%ce "f the i%structi"%s "f the #a%ua&
A&& rei#burse#e%ts fr"# the #a%ufacturer are exc&uded f"r direct "r i%direct da#ages caused i%
the ti#e the #achi%e is i%active f"r the f"&&"wi%g reas"%s8 breaBd"w%0 waiti%g t" be repaired0 "r
a%yway the %"%prese%ce "f the #achi%e
1.2 Characteristics f the *achi e
The #ixers i% the #"de&s with fixed t"p a%d b"w& "r with raisi%g t"p a%d re#"vab&e b"w& were
#ade with the i%te%ti"% f"r f""d usage "%&y0 t" #ix d"ughs #ade by cerea& f&"urs0 f"r the
preva&e%t use i%8 pi//a restaura%t0 bread a%d baBery sh"ps
Every #ixer (PICT 1) is c"#p"sed "f8
∙ A stee& structure pr"tected by a heat resista%t var%ish
∙ The b"w&0 the spira&0 the ce%tra& d"ughbreaBer a%d the pr"tecti"% grate are a&& i% stai%&ess stee&
∙ Chai% drive with "i&bath gear#"t"r
∙ The #"vi%g parts are "% ba&& beari%g
∙ Type feet (fr"# #"de&s i 5 a%d i 8)0 set "f whee&s (f"r #"de&s fr"# i 12 t" i 44)
∙ perati"% with si%g&e phase "r threephase #"t"r0 "%e speedI "% request8 threephase #"t"r
with tw" speeds a%d ti#er (apart fr"# #"de&s i 5 a%d i 8)
∙ E&ectric circuit fed by a cab&e t" the %etw"rB t" which are c"%%ected at &"w te%si"% (24V) the
c"%tr"& devices t" start0 t" st"p0 a%d "f the safety devices A#"%g these &'i%ter%a& b&"cBi%g
"f the #"vi%g parts activated by the #"ve#e%t "f the #"bi&e pr"tecti"% "f the pa%
IXER i Series
perati%g #a%ua&



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