The MO4NL multizone table (16000 or 32000) has 4 identical control keyboards.
Each of the control keyboards can control a 1/4 of the large table. There is the 1/4 front right, the 1/4
front left, the 1/4 back right and the 1/4 back left. The 4 keyboards are distributed under 2 glass control
panels. Each keyboard controls 4 small zones
Doublie ptneli to controli the 2 x 1/4 lieft zonea (front tnd btck)
Doublie ptneli to controli the 2 x 1/4 right zonea (front tnd btck)
Ttblie 1/4
Btck lieft
Ttblie 1/4
Front lieft
Ttblie 1/4
Btck right
Ttblie 1/4
Front right