In the ctae of tn tfter-atliea aervice intervention during which 1 or more generttor
bliocka ahoulid be diaconnected from the eliectrictli network (for replitcement for
extmplie), it ia neceaatry to provide on etch of the 2 auppliy liinea, t mtina diaconnec-
tion device tcceaaiblie by the uaer tnd plitced netrby.
It muat be poaaiblie to opertte the diaconnecting devicea mtnutliliy. They muat gutrtn-
tee t tottli diaconnection of the ctbinet from the 3 phtae conductora + the neutrtli
conductor of etch of the three-phtae power liinea uaed.
Connectiona of the generttor: connection plitte
1 /
Insert the end of a flat screwdriver upwards. The
maximum diameter of the rod must be 4mm.
Repeat the previous steps for each wire to
be connected
Be careful not to push the wire
end too far into the jaw of the
terminal block!!!
To be
2 /
Then lift the screwdriver to allow the lowering of
the spring-loaded jaw of the terminal block contact.