Eliectrictli Connectiona
Connectiona tnd eliectrictli connection of the furniture:
In order to connect the MO4NL cabinet to the three-phase power supply, it is necessary to
access the 2 connection terminals on the 2 counter plates at the back of the cabinet.
The mains supply to be used is the three-phase mains 360-440VAC, 50Hz or 60Hz.
Each of the 2 power terminals must be connected using a power cord with the following
characteristics and minimum cross-sections. It is considered that the lengths of the power
cords can measure several meters:
For MO4NL 16000 = 2 cords H07RNF5G-2,5 of section 2,5mm2 each.
For MO4NL 32000 = 2 cords H07RNF5G-4 with 4mm2 section each
It ia neceaatry to unacrew 4 fixing
acrewa to tcceaa the termintli
bliock preaent on etch of the 2
counter plittea.
View of the counterplates in position
on the external side
Connectiona of the generttor : Connection plitte
At the rear of the generator
The generator bock must be connected to a 400V, 50 or 60Hz three-phase power supply line.
The power line must have 3 phases L1,2,3, a neutral N and an earth PE. The neutral will be used ex-
clusively to supply an additional turbine under 230V (if connected).
The mains supply connection is made at the rear of the generator. It is desirable that the 5 conductors
be fitted with ferrules at their ends.
It ia eaaentitli thtt the 2 auppliy liinea uaed tre etch protected by tn
etrth lietktge circuit bretker of 30mA.