In Settings state, first enter address code [32] by host keypad,
then enter four-digit user code and finally press [#] to confirm;
voice prompts: set successfully, please enter instruction.
XXXX: four-digit user code: ID number.
Example: specific operation: user code of Mr. Smith is 0005
Date and time settings
Year, month, day, hour and minute must be set up in the
correct way; otherwise, leap year and month will run an
In Settings state, first enter address code [34] by host keypad,
then enter later two digits of this current year[AA];two digits of
current month[BB],then enter current day [CC],enter current
hour (24-hour)[DD]and current minutes[EE], finally press [#] to
confirm; voice prompts: set successfully, please enter instruction.
Settings method:【34】【AA】【BB】【CC】【DD】
AA: later two digits in current year.
BB: current month
CC: current day
DD: current hour
EE: current minutes
Example: operating of 2012.01.01.12:00
LC D display: