Thanks for having chosen an Opale-Parmodels product. We truly believe this remote-controlled paramotor is
going to give you hours of enjoyment and will enable you to go through new outstanding piloting experiences.
This user's guide content includes all the information you need to get your wing in flight and to ensure you will
take good care of it. A good knowledge of your equipment will allow you to safely obtain most of its perfor-
mances for your greatest pleasure! Thanks for giving this manual to the new owner in case you decided to sell
your radio-controlled paraglider.
Best regards,
The OpaleParamodels Team
Safety information
You should be properly insured according to the country regulation you are using our equipment in.
You hereby accept the inherent risk of flying radio-controlled models.
Using our equipment in a bad way may increase risks. Neither Opale Paramodels nor any other seller
will be liable for any damage caused by any accident whatever the circumstances are. The way our
equipment is used is incumbent upon the final user, including towards the law.
Table of contents
Composition of the Backpack L2 paramotor frame
Technical data
Assembly of the Backpack L2
Installation of the servo holder kit
Installation of the landing gear
The frame is guaranteed against any manufacturing defect.
If, while using, the pilot cut or damage a bridle, tear any part of the wing,repair and replacement of dam-
aged parts are not taken in account by the warranty and the user will be charged for it
All manuals and user guides at
O p al e - Paramo d el s. co m
Opale Aero System SARL - 23 rue de la Motte
62250 MARQUISE - France +33(0)981 144 387