Company Name:
Company Address:
Declares that the products
Model Number:
Product Description:
Product Options:
Are in conformity with:
EMC: EN 61000-6-3:2007, EN61000-6-1:2019
RoHS: EN 50581:2012
Comply with the requirements of the Directives:
Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 2014/30/EU
Risk of Hazardous Substances Directive RoHS 2011/65/EU
Supplementary Information:
To comply with these directives, do not use the products without covers and operate
the system as specified.
The updated version of this CE Declaration is available on
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ALCAD Electronics, S.L.
Pol. Ind. Arreche-Ugalde, 1 - Apdo. 455
20305 IRÚN (Gipuzkoa) - SPAIN
MAN-500, MAN-501
Outdoor modules with audio unit
Including all options
Irún (SPAIN), 22 may 2023
According to: EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010
ALCAD Electronics, S.L.
Pol. Ind. Arreche-Ugalde, 1
Apdo. 455 | 20305 IRUN - Spain
Tel. (+34) 943 63 96 60
Laurent Nevejans
General Manager