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Leb electronics CTR570 Instructions page 3

Une carte électronique pour commander 1/2 moteurs alimentés à 24vdc conçu pour l'automation d'un portail a battant.


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Electronic board controlling 1 or 2 motors 24 Vdc destined to swing gate automation.
Start (START) - Contact N.O.
Input to be used to require the opening or closing of the gate (both leaves).
Pedestrian start - (only by remote control)
Command to be used to require the opening or closing of one leaf only (M2 - pedestrian leaf). Pedestrian start command is irrelevant during a
Start cycle until the closing step end (closed gate). During a Pedestrian start cycle, Start command is always working and causes the start of
an opening cycle of both leaves.
Stop (STOP) - Contact N.C.
It prevents the start of working cycle. If the Stop command is supplied during the motion, it provokes the immediate stop of the gate. The gate
remain in stop as long as the contact is opened. After a Stop command the following Start command always starts an opening cycle. A Stop
command supplied during the pause time interrupts the work cycle.
Photocell (FT) - Contact N.C.
It is an optical barrier intended to intercept and signal the passage of people or vehicles along the path crossing the gate or in the area nearby it.
The photocell is affecting but during closing step and in the pause time. If an obstacle darkens the photocell while closing it provokes the stop and
motion reverse after 1,5 sec.. The intervention of the photocell during the pause time reloads it extending the period before automatic closing.
Photostop (FTS) - Contact N.C.
It is an optical barrier intended to intercept and signal the passage of people or vehicles along the path crossing the gate or in the area nearby it.
If an obstacle darkens the photostop during the motion or in the step previous to the work cycle start, it determines a temporary stop of the gate.
The blinker signals by a fixed light the anomalous condition. As soon as the obstacle is removed an opening cycle starts, except when the gate is
fully opened. In that case a closing cycle will start. The intervention of the photostop during the pause time reloads it extending the period before
automatic closing.
Blinker (LAMP)
It is lamp intended to signal the danger condition due to moving gate. Blinking logics are the following ones:
Fast (2 blinking/sec.): signals the opening phase
Slow (1 blinking/sec.): signals the closing phase
Fixed light: signals that the gate is stopped, waiting for the removal of the obstacle that darken the Photocell or the Photostop.
Motor 1 (MOT1)
Outputs for the control open / close of the motor connected to the first gate leaf in closing phase.
Motor 2 (MOT2)
Outputs for the control open / close of the motor connected to the gate leaf delayed in closing phase.
Signalling Leds
DL1 - Programming Led (red): It switches on in programming step and during gate motion.
DL2 - Stop Led (red): It switches off at a Stop command in terminal board.
DL3 - Photostop Led (yellow): It switches off when the photoelectric cell is darkened.
DL5 - Photocell Led (yellow): It switches off when the photocell is darkened.
DL6 - Start Led (green): It switches on at a Start command in terminal board.
DL7 - Power supply Led (green): It switches on when the power supply 20 Vac is connected to the input VIN.
RV1 - It regulates the intervention threshold of amperometric sensor during fast speed. It's a sensor surveying sudden variations of the
current absorbed by the motor due to collisions of the gate against some obstacles. The intervention of the sensor in slowing down step or during
the fast step of opening determines the stop of the gate. The intervention of the sensor during the fast step of closing determines the stop of the
gate and gear reverse after 1,5 sec.. Following to an intervention of the amperometric sensor automatic closing is restrained and therefore it is
necessary to supply a new Start command to start work cycle. Turning the trimmer clockwise reduces the detection sensitivity.
Programming keys
P1 - Allows to insert/cancel the remote control codes in the memory
P2 - Allows to set the pause time and the M2 motor's closing delay
P3 - Allows to set the working time of the leaves.
DP1 - Automatic closing (ON = Step-by-step with automatic closing OFF = Step-by-step without automatic closing). DP2 must be ON.
DP2 - Condominium logic (ON = Step-by-step
DP3 - Erasing of all delays between leaves (ON = Delays erased OFF = Delays enabled)
JP2 (Leds' power supply)
When entered, it enables leds switching on. It is useful in the working with solar panel to reduce consumption.
Technical features
Slow-down (soft stop)
At stroke end the unit reduces the speed of leaves (Soft stop function) so to avoid strong impacts.
Power supply
The power to electronic card and motors is supplied by an electric transformer equipped with protection fuse. It is possible to connect to the card an
optional battery to guarantee the working of the automation when electric power is missing.
Radio receiver
The electronic card CTR570 contains a 2 channels radio receiver. The receiver can memorize up to 100 codes. The channel 1 of receiver acts as
Start, while the channel 2 acts as Pedestrian Start.
Erase of all delays (DP3=ON)
This function allows you to cancel all the delays between the leaves. The two leaves open and close simultaneously.
Electric power lack
Following to a temporary electric power lack, at recovery the first Start command determines an opening cycle.
OFF = Condominium mode)
(V1.0 14-09-2020)

