sPECIfIC ProduCt WarnInGs and PrECautIons
WarnInG: Make sure to fill the Air Compressor with a premium quality, 30-
weight, non-detergent oil before each use. Running the Air Compressor with no
oil or low oil will cause damage to the equipment. note: The oil reservoir has an
optimal capacity of 30 ounces of oil.
WHEn CHECKInG tHE oIl lEVEl: Make sure to unscrew (do not pull) the Dip
Stick (14B) out. (see figure C, and assy. diagram b.)
MaKE surE all tools and EQuIPMEnt usEd WItH tHE aIr CoM-
PrEssor arE ratEd to tHE aPProPrIatE CaPaCIty. Do not use any
tool or equipment that does not operate from 0 to 115 PSI.
draIn aIr CoMPrEssor EVEry day. Do not allow moisture to build up
inside the Air Compressor. (see "INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND CLEAN-
ING" section of this manual.)
MaIntaIn a safE WorKInG EnVIronMEnt. Keep the work area well lit.
Make sure there is adequate surrounding workspace. Always keep the work area
free of obstructions, grease, oil, trash, and other debris. Do not use the Air Com-
pressor in areas near flammable chemicals, dusts, and vapors.
aVoId Injury: Never direct the Air Flow Valve (6A) at people or animals. (see
assy. diagram a.)
do not altEr or rEMoVE tHE faCtory sEalEd PrEssurE rElEasE
ValVE (5a). (see assy. diagram a.)
do not oPEn tHE WatEr draIn ValVE (10a) so tHat MorE tHan
four tHrEads arE sHoWInG. (see assy. diagram a.)
an ExtEnsIon Cord Must nEVEr bE usEd WItH tHIs ItEM.
Connecting this item to an outlet through an extension cord May CausE
ElECtrICal daMaGE to tHE Motor and could present a fIrE Hazard.
tHIs CoMPrEssor May rEQuIrE a dEdICatEd ElECtrICal CIrCuIt
as tHE aMPEraGE draW undEr full load CoMbInEd WItH usE of
any otHEr ItEM May oVErload your CIrCuIt.
WarnInG: This product contains or produces a chemical known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth defects (or other reproductive harm).
(California Health & Safety Code § 25249.5, et seq.)
WarnInG: People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before
using this product. Operation of electrical equipment in close proximity to a heart
pacemaker could cause interference to or failure of the pacemaker.
SKU 94667
for technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.