Make the most of it!
To summarize, make the most of the body fat analysis feature by:
• Tracking change over time and not day-to-day.
• Using the same scale as much as possible.
• Being extra-consistent in the time of day, day of the week, time before or after
food and fluid consumption, before or after exercise, etc., when measuring body
fat composition.
Always keep in mind that you know your body best. The following ranges
of Body Fat Percentages are offered as guides:
Healthy Range
of Body Fat
Body Water/Hydration Levels:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001), the percentage of body
water should lie within the following ranges:
Women: 50-55%
Men: 60-65%
Children: 65-75%
Weighing and weight maintenance
Once you lose weight, your scale will be a valuable tool in keeping it off.
Fluctuations in day-to-day weight tend to be smaller when weight is stable, so at
this point, a more frequent weigh-in pattern may be helpful. To keep lost weight off:
• Weigh yourself more often than once a week.
• Use the "5-pound rule" – research shows that people who keep weight within
a 5-pound range of their goal are more likely to maintain a healthy body weight over
the long term..
While a scale/body fat monitor can be a useful tool on your weight-loss
journey, it's not in and of itself a program for losing weight. Studies show
that people lose three times more weight on Weight Watchers than they do
on their own*. Come to a meeting and learn from us the best way to lose
and maintain weight. Call 1-800-651-6000 or go to to
find a meeting near you.
All manuals and user guides at
Scales by
for use of
Weight Watchers
bathroom scale
Congratulations! By purchasing this Weight Watchers Scale, you've made the
first step toward taking control of your weight. To get the greatest benefit from
your purchase, please read this entire brochure before using your scale.
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Model WW7010WC