5. FOr beTTer perFOrMANCes
To get an optimal range, you have to take care of some elements to increase
the radio-transmission between the remote and the collar.
These precautions are not necessary for smaller ranges.
Be sure you hold the remote with you hand as low as possible
Point the remote upwards, with your arm stretched to the sky.
Use batteries in a perfect state.
6. edUCATiON AdviCe
The Martin System «Tiny Trainer» training collars have been designed by a team
including veterinary practitioners and dog trainers in order to fit it to the needs
of canine training while respecting pro-actively the welfare of your dog.
To get the best results with a «Tiny Trainer», we recommend to use in on ani-
mals of minimum 6 months.
Before starting to use the collar, the dog has to have a basic education, and
have a knowledge of the orders «sit», «down» and «come».
To avoid the link between the collar and the impulses, start putting on the col-
lar during 3 to 4 days some hours a day, without using it.
Don't go too fast, it's better to start with the lowest levels, and increase the
level further on if necessary.
Be sure to use the machine only when the dog is committing a fault. If you're
late, even only some seconds, to punish it, the punishment will not be under-
stood by your dog.
It's very important to recompense the dog with caresses and congratulations.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com