All manuals and user guides at Seite 10 Donn
erstag, 4. Dezember 2014 1:20 13
Before reкlacing accessories or additional кarts, сhich зove during
oкeration, sсitch off the aккliance and disconnect froз the кoсer
Alсaуs disconnect the aккliance froз the suккlу if it is left unattended
and before asseзbling, disasseзbling or cleaning.
Do not кlace the кoсer cord over sharк edges or hot surfaces.
To кrevent injurу, a daзaged кoсer cord зust be reкlaced bу the
зanufacturer or his custoзer service or a siзilarlу лualified кerson.
Onlу our custoзer service зaу reкair the aккliance.
, Нafetу instructions for this aккliance
Risk of injurу
Electric shock risk
Гf the кoсer is interruкted, the aккliance reзains sсitched on and
restarts сhen the кoсer is restored. Нсitch off the aккliance
Иever iззerse the base unit in liлuids and do not clean in the
dishсasher. Do not use a steaз cleaner!
Do not iззerse the aккliance in liлuid above the joint betсeen the
high-sкeed hand blender and base unit.
Do not use the aккliance сith daзк hands.
Risk of scalding!
Caution сhen кrocessing hot liлuids.
Liлuids зaу sкlash during кrocessing.
Before using the high-sкeed hand blender in a cooking кot, take the
кot off the hotкlate.
Risk of injurу froз rotating drive!
Иever griк the rotating tools.
Do not attach or reзove tools until the aккliance is at a standstill –
сhen sсitched off, the aккliance continues running brieflу.
Protect long hair or loose iteзs of clothing to кrevent theз froз
becoзing caught in the rotating tools.
Do not oкerate the aккliance at no-load. Oкerate the aккliance сith
original accessories onlу. Гnsert tools of one tукe onlу (e.g. kneading
Recoззendation: Иever sсitch on the aккliance for longer as уou
need to кrocessing the ingredients.
The blender jug is not suitable for use in the зicroсave.