Installation guide: Vertical panel storage
General information regarding installation
Warning! The panel storage tipping or falling over
Serious injury due to heavy weight of shelf parts and materials.
Ensure that the panel storage is assembled and used correctly.
Risk of injury if used improperly (loaded incorrectly or with items that are too heavy).
General description:
1. The FVL (vertical panel storage) is a stationary storage system for the storage and stacking of panel materials and with
optional equipment can be used for boards, skirting board, beams and laminates.
2. The panel storage system consists of a support frame, which is connected together with connection components and
The panel storage system can only be used as a completely assembled unit.
3. The panel storage may only be assembled in a dry and frost-free space.
Ensure that the location surface where the system is to be assembled is sufficiently stable and of high load-bearing
4. The panel storage system is not to be combined with any other storage system or third party products.
5. If the panel storage is not built fully or becomes damaged, a defect-free functioning of the device and its stability can
no longer be guaranteed.
6. The panel storage has been designed and tested in alignment with the DGUV Information 108-007 testing regulati-
The stability and robustness of the panel storage system as well as the accessory components comply with these
7. Any kind of tampering leads to the loss of guarantee and releases the manufacturer from any liability claims.
Requirements of the concrete foundation:
1. The area in which the machine is to be situated, must
comply at least with the minimum structural require-
ments in order to be able to support the fully loaded
2. This applies to foundations, floor panels and ceilings.
3. If these minimum requirements are not met then it leads
to the invalidation of the guarantee on the stability and
sturdiness of the storage system.
Minimum requirements:
1. Required compressive strength of the ground: > 2 N/
2. Concrete strength class: > C20/25 XC1.
tension/compression resistant (reinforcement required)
3. Minimum load-bearing capacity of the ground in the
area of where the panel storage is to be installed: 11
4. Concrete thickness: min. 200 mm
Floor levelness: +/- 10 mm
5. Variation in the height of the support points in relation
to each other after installation: max. 0.05 mm is per-
Also to be considered:
1. The hall floor must be suitable for fastening with seg-
ment anchor or heavy load anchor.
2. The hall trusses must be suitable for the appropriate
Doc.ID: 400310-900_02 • English • 22.12.2022
3. Ensure that if the base is concrete, that it has been
4. If in the surrounding area there is anything that causes
A- 6060 Hall i.T.
Tel: +43 (0)5223 - 58 50 0
Fax: +43 (0)5223 - 56 13 0
10 mm expansion gap
given a min. of 28 days setting time to meet strength
vibration, then a dedicated foundation needs to be
constructed, which is structurally separate from the sur-
rounding floor area.
Safety bolts etc
Anchor bolts