- it is at least 5 years old;
- you have any doubt as to its integrity.
Destroy retired equipment to prevent further use.
PRODUCT OBSOLESCENCE: There are many reasons why a product may
be judged obsolete and thus retired beore the end o its actual lietime.
Examples include changes in applicable standards, regulations, or legislation;
development o new techniques, incompatibility with other equipment, etc.
GUARANTEE: This product is guaranteed for 3 years against any defects
in materials or manufacturing. Exclusions from the guarantee: normal wear
and tear, oxidation, modications or alterations, incorrect storage, poor
maintenance, damage due to accidents and/or negligence, or to improper and
incorrect usage. KASK is not responsible or the consequences, direct, indirect
or accidental, or any other type o damage bealling or resulting rom the use
of its products.
notice careully and keep all instructions and inormation on the proper use and
application o the product(s). Many types o misuse exist and it is impossible to
enumerate or even imagine all o them. Contact KASK i you have any doubt
or diculty understanding these instructions. Activities at height are dangerous
and may lead to severe injury or even death. Gaining adequate training in
appropriate techniques and methods o protection is your own responsibility.
You personally assume all risks and responsibilities tor all damage, injury or death
which may occur during or following incorrect use of our products in any manner
whatsoever. I you are not able, or not in a position to assume this responsibility
or to take this risk, do not use this equipment.
USE: This product must only be used by competent and responsible persons;
or those placed under the direct and visual supervision of a competent and
responsible person. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is to be used only on
or with energy absorbing systems (tor example dynamic ropes, energy absorbers
etc.). Check that this product is compatible with the other components o you
equipment, see the instructions specic to the products. To prolong the lie o
this product, take care when transporting and using it. Avoid impacts, or contact
with abrasive suraces or sharp edges.
LABELING: information contained on the inside of the helmet, printed on a
label, should not be removed or any reason.