Open truck tailgate and rear door of cap, using a forklift or (4) people place the
cap on the truck.
1. Clean bedrails, top of bulkhead, rear truck window and front
window of cap with 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and a clean cloth.
2. Open truck tailgate and rear door of cap.
3. (a) If using a forklift, be cautious of windows and lights while
putting forklift about half-way into the cap to ensure proper
support. Place carefully on the truck.
(b) If using (4) four people, have one person at each corner of
the cap. Being very careful of pinch-points and vehicle fi nish,
place cap on truck.
4. Square cap on truck bed from side to side and fl ush to
front of truck bed. Cap should overhang the rear of the
truck bed by 7/16". Align cap door opening with truck tailgate
opening. (Fig A)
5. Close the truck tailgate and cap rear door.
Check fi t and function of door, handle, and seals. (Fig B)
Fig A. Square cap on truck.
Fig B. Check fi t & function of door, handle & seals.
Adjust as necessary for proper fi t.