ID number
Communication media
RF => Radiofrequency
- With one or more "In One by Legrand" interscenarios:
The chimes can be controlled from a maximum of 16 interscenarios with whidh they have been associated during the
learn phase
of a scenario
They are then said to be an Actor in a scenario.
For the chimes, stage 2 in the scenario learn phase becomes:
A different tune can be associated with each interscenario.
(1) Learn phase: operation to associate products so that they can be controlled simultaneously from a central point.
This association is carried out by applying the learn scenario procedure on page 11.
(2) Scenario: corresponds to the set of products (actors) that are associated with a command key.
- With a wired pushbutton:
In this case no learn phase is necessary, there is a single predefined tune which cannot be modified.
Adjusting the sound level (excluding learn phase):
Press the «Volume adjustment» buttton, the sound level varies in the following steps:
70 -> 75 -> 80 -> 85 -> 70 -> 75 -> 80 -> 85 -> 70 ->...dB.
The last level heard is the one which is stored.
Note: The sound level of all the control points is identical.
Press the
"select a tune"
command key
The last tune played is
the one which is stored
LEARN indicator lamp
Command key
Sound level
(excluding learn phase)
7 tunes are available,
to go from one to the next
repeat operation
as many times as necessary