You must not try to repair the JRG
CleanLine Combi domestic water
Backwashing the filter:
Ensure a sufficiently large drain line
after the drain pipe. At a primary pres-
sure of 1'600 kPa (16 bar) a flushing rate
of 1.25 l/s is to be expected. For infor-
mation regarding further flushing rates
at lower primary pressure, see installa-
tion instructions.
Turn the hand wheel 8 clock-
wise, the LED 10 will light, until
water leaks from the drain pipe.
Now the first filter chamber is
Flushing time 3-5 seconds.
Repeat this process until all eight filter
chambers are flushed. After the eighth filter
chamber the hand wheel palpably locks, the LED
10 goes out. The flushing process is complete.
If the filter is heavily soiled,
we recommend repeating the previously
described flushing process.
Make sure water stops leaking from the
drain pipe after completing the flushing.
If water is still leaking from the drain
pipe, fully repeat the above-described
flushing process.
After flushing, turn the month ring 7 to match
the current month (month digit pointing upwards).
This enables you to determine when the filter
was flushed last.
In case of persistent problems,
please contact your local plumbers.