STEELSERIES Arctis 7+ Guide D'information page 23

Table des Matières


この機器の使用周波数帯では、 電子レンジ等の産業・科学・医療用機器のほか工場の製造ライン等で使用さ
れている移動体識別用の構内無線局 (免許を要する無線局) 及び特定小電力無線局 (免許を要しない無線
局) 並びにアマチュア無線局 (免許を要する無線局) が運用されています。
1 この機器を使用する前に、 近くで移動体識別用の構内無線局及び特定小電力無線局並びにアマチュア無
2 万一、 この機器から移動体識別用の構内無線局に対して有害な電波干渉の事例が発生した場合には、 速
やかに使用周波数を変更するか又は電波の発射を停止した上、 下記連絡先にご連絡頂き、 混信回避のため
の処置等 (例えば、 パーティションの設置など) についてご相談して下さい。
3 その他、 この機器から移動体識別用の特定小電力無線局あるいはアマチュア無線局に対して有害な電波
干渉の事例が発生した場合など何かお困りのことが起きたときは、 次の連絡先へお問い合わせ下さい。
取得審驗證明之低功率射頻器材 , 非經核准 , 公司 、 商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率 、 加大功率或變更原設計之特
性及功能 。 低功率射頻器材之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信 ; 經發現有干擾現象時 , 應立即停用 , 並改善至
無干擾時方得繼續使用 。 前述合法通信 , 指依電信管理法規定作業之無線電通信 。 低功率射頻器材須忍受合法通信或
工業 、 科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾 。
注意: 電池若未正確更換, 可能會爆炸, 請用原廠建議之同款的電池來更換。
電池不可當作一般的家庭廢棄物棄置, 請依據當地法規使用公共回收系統退回、 回收或處理電池。
電池極性 (+) 和 ( - ) 不得相反連接, 充電電池極性如果電池極性反轉, 則有爆炸危險。
請勿將此電池放在靠近火源或任何高溫的地方, 否則可能會因高熱源而發生爆炸(60℃以上)。
電池組不得受撞擊, 也不能用任何尖銳的物體去穿刺。
該電池組無防水功能, 不得暴露於潮濕場所避免受潮導致兩電池極性短路導致爆炸危險。
《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》 提示性说明
为了更好地关爱及保护地球, 当用户不再需要此产品或产品寿命终止时, 请遵守国家废弃电器电子产品回收处理相
关法律法规, 将其交给当地具有国家认可的回收处理资质的厂商进行回收处理。
產品使用環境溫度: 0 - 40度
SteelSeries Products and Australian Consumer Law
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under Australian consumer law. You are entitled to a repair,
replacement, or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You
are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does
not amount to a major failure.
Should your product be defective, you can make a claim under Australian consumer law.
SteelSeries will provide its own remedies equivalent to those remedies in the consumer guarantee provisions of
the Australian Consumer Law at any time within 24 months of the date of purchase. For the avoidance of doubt,
SteelSeries acknowledges that the Australian Consumer Law may provide for remedies beyond 24 months for a
number of its products.
Summary of Australian statutory consumer guarantees
Consumer guarantees in relation to goods
The goods will be of acceptable quality, The goods will be fit for a particular purpose, The goods will match their de-
scription, The goods will match the sample or demonstration model, You have title to the goods, You have undisturbed
possession of the goods, There are no undisclosed securities on the goods.
Consumer guarantees in relation to services
We will provide the services with due care and skill, The services will be fit for a particular purpose, The services will be
provided within a reasonable time.
For SteelSeries-branded goods, in addition to the above, we also guarantee that we will provide repairs or spare parts
for a reasonable time. Under Australian consumer law, the remedy you are entitled to if a product fails to meet a
consumer guarantee will depend on whether the failure to comply with the guarantee is major or minor.
Minor failures to comply with a consumer guarantee can normally be fixed or resolved in a reasonable amount of time.
In this case, the seller can choose to offer you a refund, replacement, repair or, in the case of services, resupply. If
the seller does not fix the problem or takes too long, you may be able to get it fixed by someone else and recover the
costs from the seller depending on the circumstances.
Remedies for major failure with goods
Return the product and ask for a refund, Return the product and ask for an identical replacement, or one of similar
value if reasonably available, Keep the product and ask for compensation for the drop in value caused by the problem.
Remedies for major failure with services
Cancel the contract and pay a reasonable amount for the work done, or seek a refund, For money already paid, keep
the contract and negotiate a reduced price for the drop in value of the service — this may mean asking for some of
your money back if you have already paid.
For goods, there is a major failure to comply with a consumer guarantee when:
• You would not have purchased the product if you had known about the problem.
• The product is significantly different from the description, sample or demonstration model you were shown.
• The product is substantially unfit for its normal purpose and cannot easily be made fit within a reasonable time.
• The product is substantially unfit for a purpose that you told the supplier about, and cannot easily be made fit


Table des Matières

Table des Matières