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Warranty Policy

Dedoes Industries warrants the Dedoes Alliance A1 Machine against defects due to defec�ve material, design or
manufacturing to the end user.
This warranty covers all manufactured parts on the products that are defec�ve or damaged. All products, goods, services and
equipment comply with all applicable environmental, safety, design, and regulatory laws, regula�ons, customs, and
requirements of the region in which they are delivered and put into service.
This warranty does not cover any items that have been damaged due to mu�la�on, altera�on, misuse, or abuse. Corrosion
due to neglect or chemicals is not covered by this warranty. Dedoes will not be responsible for loss of �me, inconvenience, or
other consequen�al damages. Dedoes assumes no liability if proper wiring is not completed by a cer�fied electrician.
The warranty is void:
• If the equipment is not properly wired to all applicable codes by a cer�fied electrician
• If the equipment is not installed, assembled, or aligned properly
• If Dedoes parts are not used for repairs or installa�on
This is the only warranty on Dedoes products and no other expressed warranty by anyone other than Dedoes, in wri�ng, will
be binding on the manufacturer. This warranty is transferable from the loca�on of the original installa�on of the equipment to
any addi�onal installa�on loca�ons within the warranty �me period.
Warranty Return Policy: Under no circumstance should the product or any part there-of be returned to Dedoes for inspec�on,
replacement, and/or repair without the wri�en consent from Dedoes Industries Inc. Returned items must be in original
unused condi�on, unless there is a manufacturer defect. Please contact Dedoes at 1-248-624-7710 to obtain a Returned
Goods Authoriza�on Number and to discuss other specifics of the return.
Cer�ficado de Garan�a
Dedoes Industries garan�za la Máquina Alliance A1 de Dedoes contra defectos debido a materiales, diseño o fabricación
defectuosos en beneficio del usuario final.
Esta garan�a cubre todas las piezas fabricadas de los productos defectuosos o dañados. Los productos, bienes, servicios y
equipos cumplen todas las leyes, reglamentaciones, costumbres y requisitos ambientales, de seguridad, de diseño y
regulatorios aplicables de la región en la cual se entregan y se ponen en funcionamiento.
Esta garan�a no cubre ar�culos dañados por mu�laciones, modificaciones, uso indebido o abuso. Tampoco cubre la corrosión
por negligencia o debido a químicos. Dedoes no será responsable por la pérdida de �empo, las moles�as u otros daños de
consecuencias mediatas. Dedoes no asume ninguna responsabilidad si el cableado apropiado no es realizado por un
electricista matriculado.
Alliance A1 Machine Assembly Instruc�ons
248-624-7710 / dedoes.com
PART # P1627 KD RV.6 - 2022-05-16

