Alliance A1 Machine Assembly Instruc�ons
Dedoes equipment is supplied with either an explosion proof single phase 115 volt 60 Hz electric motor or a non-explosion
proof single phase 110/220 volt 60/50 Hz electric motor.
Non-Explosion proof motors are NOT intended for use in hazardous loca�ons!
Los equipos Dedoes se proveen con un motor eléctrico monofásico a prueba de explosiones de 115v, 60Hz o con un motor
eléctrico monofásico no a prueba de explosiones de 110/220v, 60/50Hz.
Non motores a prueba de explosión no están pensados para su uso en lugares peligrosos!
Les machines Dedoes sont fournies avec un moteur électrique monophasé an�déflagrant 115 volt 60 Hz ou un moteur
électrique monophasé standard 110/220 volt 60/50 Hz.
Les moteurs standards ne peuvent PAS être u�lisés dans des endrois dangereux!
Alliance Machine Care and Maintenance Guidelines
All mixing units should be kept clean and free of dust and dirt. A vacuum works well for this purpose.
Periodic lubrica�on to the three pulley shoulder bolts under each mixing shelf will help maintain quiet opera�on of the
machine. A small drop of lubricant under the head of the shoulder bolt should be all that is required. Make sure the
shoulder bolt is free of dirt before lubrica�ng. We suggest using spray Gun Lube or a lubricant that your paint manufacturer
recommends. Caution: Do not use silicone based lubricants.
Note: In extremely dirty environments it may be necessary to remove the shoulder bolt from the pulley assembly and clean
off the dirt before lubrica�ng.
The belts are made of steel reinforced polyurethane. In most cases the belts will not need to be adjusted. The belts do not
need to be �ght to operate properly. It is OK and correct if the belt has slack along the backside of the mix unit.
Note: Excessive belt tension will cause noise or problems with the machine opera�on. If the belt has no slack along the
backside or appears too �ght, please contact Dedoes Customer Service at 1-248-624-7710 for instruc�ons on how to
properly adjust the belt.
248-624-7710 /
PART # P1627 KD RV.6 - 2022-05-16