2.2 KNX bus
The KNX bus is a domestic bus used in modern
home electric installations and in industrial or office
The power circuit has a 230V or 400V / 50 Hz power
supply. It is often marked by the letters PL (Power
Line). The control circuit is composed of a twisted
pair (TP : Twisted Pair) or by a radio link (RF : Radio
Frequency) or infra red (IR : InfraRed).
Data transmission can also use the carrying current
on the power circuit PL.
The KNX bus must have a 29V
data that forms the KNX "message" is sent in
differential serial modes at a rate of 9600 bits/s.
It is often used with a 2 pair cable (2 x 2 x 0.8 mm)
knowing that the unused pair (yellow - white) is a
power supply; the