3. You have entered all adapter passwords in the
Confi guration Utility. (See the section on Entering the
password for the Powerline adapters.)
Choose the Password Settings tab in the Hama
Powerline 85 Mbps Utility.
Now enter any password you wish instead of the Home-
Plug password set by the factory. This password may
contain from 4 to 20 characters and may consist of letters
or digits.
You may not use special characters!
For the new password to be applied, you must choose
one of two options in the Confi guration Utility.
1. Only local device:
If you click the icon -> Only local device, the Powerline
network password is only modifi ed to the adapter which
is directly connected to the computer. All the other ones
are ignored! Afterwards you will get a message which
informs you if the modifi cation of the password has been
2. All currently added devices:
If you click -> All currently added devices, the Powerline
network password is changed for all adapters connected
to the mains. Afterwards, you will receive a message
informing you whether the password change was
Note: If you have chosen the second option and have
received an error message saying that not all passwords
could be changed, connect the appropriate adapter
directly to the computer you are working on and try
changing the password using the -> Only local device
option again.
11. Resetting the Powerline Network Password
If you would like to reset the network password to the
default (HomePlug), simply click -> Reset your Password
to Default. The password is now reset in the Confi gura-
tion Utility.
In the next step, you have to decide in what way you
would like the utility to reset the password for the Power-
line adapters.
There are two options in the Confi guration Utility.
1. Only local device:
If you click -> Only local device, the Powerline network
password is reset only for the adapter directly connected
to the computer. All other adapters are ignored! After-
wards, you will receive a message informing you whether
resetting was successful.
2. All currently added devices:
If you click -> All currently added devices, the Powerline
network password is reset for all adapters connected
to the mains. Afterwards, you will receive a message
informing you whether resetting was successful.
If you have chosen the second option and received an
error message saying that not all adapters could be reset,
connect the appropriate adapter directly to the computer
you are working on and try resetting the password using
the -> Only local device option again.