6.2 Checking the precision of the connections in the system and
the connection of the supply control unit
Check the precision of the connections in the system!
The +14V , GND , CD
Any short circuit between them leads to the non-operation of the entire system.
With an ohmmeter, check that there is no short circuit between any hubs, anywhere in the system.
Connect the supply control unit (SCU) to the 230 V a.c. network, by connecting the two automatic 10A fuses,
installed on phase and null.
Optionally, connect the accumulator to the +ACC and –ACC hubs of the SCU.
PAY AT TENTION to the polarity of the accumulator!
Check the existence of the supply tensions with the values mentioned below, at the hubs of the SCU (use a
drive current voltmeter).
Tensions measured at the hubs of the SCU : +14V
The tension +Uv
Tensions measured at the hubs of the outdoor panel and at the hubs of the terminals + 14V
min. 12 Vd.c.
6.3 Checking the functions and adjustments
Check anywhere in the installation, during the call and the communication, and make sure that the +14V
– GND supply tension is higher than 12,0V.
Check the functions of the terminals and of the outdoor panel: call, communication, access, audio
monitoring. The system is adjusted by the producer in what concerns the audio part, for standard
functioning conditions
How to adjust the volume of the audio terminal
Through consecutive touches of the VOLUME key, different audition levels are obtained: OFF (mute) –
red LED, MEDIUM white-red LED, MAXIMUM – white LED
After checking, leave the terminal on the open volume position (white LED on).
6.4 Troubleshooting
Any intervention in the system will be made with the system disconnected from
the 230Va.c. supply network (the phase and null fuses are opened) and from the
accumulator (the +ACC hub is disconnected).
The system functions
signals are common to all components of the system.
/13,5 ... 14,3Vc.c. is not used by the audio systems.
Control unit:
S1: green
S2: green
GND /13,8 ... 14,3Vc.c.
Possible causes