Our drinking water buffer tanks are equipped with one/two firmly welded bare-tube heat
exchanger/s according to DIN 4753 and the DruckbehV/[Pressure Vessel Ordinance].
The tanks were manufactured from high-grade steel S235JR and were glass-enamelled internally to
ensure hygienic drinking water (quality-secured according to DVGW 511 and DIN 4753). Our buffer
tank is equipped with a magnesium anode to protect against corrosion. In addition a thermometer
is located in the upper buffer tank area.
Our buffer tank has return has all of the connections necessary for cold and warm water, heating
flow and return and circulation. Inspection doors are available in all of our buffer tanks, complete
with blank caps. One/two protection tube(s) are available on the tank to accept the sensor(s) that
control the system. The thermal insulation (CFC-free) can, depending on the buffer tank model,
consist of 50 mm or 75 mm of PU foam or rigid foam composite insulation (HVI) and fleece insula-
tion. All drinking water buffer tanks are supplied with highly adjustable placement feet. High speed
memory and special memory deviating.
All dimensions for the buffer tanks are subject to a manufacturing tolerance and can differ by +/- 5
Should you need any other technical documentation, please contact your supplier.