can now be attached. Make an auxiliary tool from
parts 1.28 and 1.29 to mark the relevant lines.
Fig. auxiliary tool
To do this, glue part 1.29 to the other end opposite
the hole on a strip 1.28. Maintain a distance of 40
Fig. intermediate layer
Then apply another strip. The resulting clip can
now be placed over the upper edge of the hull.
Fig. auxiliary tool on hull
Use this tool to draw the markings for the deck
support strips 1.24 and the rubbing strips 1.25
inside and outside.
Fig. markings for rubbing strips and deck support
Stand Mai 2019
Fix the rubbing strip with clamps.
Clamp the rubbing strake to the marking with suit-
able clamps (e.g. Krick no. 808178) and then fix it
to individual points with superglue. When the
superglue is dry, pull a throat from the underside
into the edge between the skirting board and the
hull wall with superglue.
Do the same with the deck support strip inside.
40 mm
Fig. rubbing strake and deck support strip
Stage 2, Deck, Parts 2.1 to 2.16
In the next stage, prepare the deck for installation.
Cut out the deck at the cutting lines and sand to
size. Place the deck in the hull for inspection.
Fig. deck trimmed
In the next step you have to fit the laser cut ply-
wood deck.
Seite 6
40 mm
40 mm
Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen