the plan view as you do so.
Bend the excess length of rail towards the ladder as shown
on the plan, and glue the end to the wheelhouse.
Cut the short top rail 128 to length, slip two railing stanchi-
ons on it and glue them in the holes in the navigation deck.
Bend the rail as shown on the plan. Thread a bottom rail
129 through the two rear railing stanchions on each side.
With the rails in place, bend the ends as shown. Drill 1
mm Ø holes in both sides of the funnel, insert the rail ends
and glue the joints. Cut out the compass base 130 and the
cover 131 and glue them together. Glue the doubled ship's
wheel 132 and the handwheel 133 to the compass base.
Drill holes in the compass base for the lever 134 and the
compass 135 and glue them in place.
The completed assembly 130 - 135 can now be fixed to the
navigation deck, and the grating 136 glued on top. Glue
the searchlight 137 to the searchlight base 138, and fix the
assembly 137 / 138 to the navigation deck in the position
shown in the plan view.
Run the signal halyards 139 through the ring-screws on
the signal yard, route them to the rails 127 and 128 and tie
them in place.
Make up the navigation lamps from the port and starboard
brackets 140 and the lamps 141, and glue them to either
side of the wheelhouse as shown on the plan.
Drill 2 mm Ø holes in the front wall of the wheelhouse and
glue the deck lamps 142 in them.
The upper bulwarks 143 can now be trimmed to fit against
the superstructure on both sides. Carefully bevel the butt
joint between the upper bulwark and the wheelhouse to
obtain a neat transition.
Bend the bulwark components to follow the camber of the
bridge deck and glue them in place using cyano. You may
have to sand back the transition areas between the upper
bulwarks and the wheelhouse slightly.
The next step is to trim the two companionways 144 to fit,
and this requires the superstructure to be placed on the
hull. Cut the companionways to length, as shown on the
plan, and bevel the top and bottom ends. Trim the pre-
pared parts to fit accurately, then glue them to the bridge
deck and the side panels - but not to the deck.
Remove the superstructure again when the glue has set
hard. Bend the handrails 145 to the shape shown on the
plan. Cut the handrail stanchions 146 to length and solder
them to the handrails. Glue the completed handrail assem-
bles to the upper bulwark and the companionway on both
The railing for the bridge deck can now be assembled: cut
two rails 147 to approximate length and fit four stanchions
148 on each. Fit the stanchions in the appropriate holes,
bending the rails to shape as you go. Cut the rails to exact
length and solder them to the railing stanchions.
Make up the left-hand (port) side railing as described abo-
ve, using the rails 149 and the railing stanchions 150. Befo-
re the right-hand (starboard) side railing can be made, the
railing stanchion 151 must be shortened at the top. Cut the
bottom rail 153 to approximate length and fit the shortened
railing stanchion 151 and the two stanchions 152 on it.
Glue the railing stanchions in the holes in the bridge deck.
Cut the top rail 154 to length and fit it through the holes in
the railing stanchions 152. Trim the rail ends if required,
then solder the rails to the stanchions.
Build up the mushroom ventilators 155 from dowel 8x17
mm and laser parts 155a, 155b and for each 2 pcs. 155c.
Place the lid 155a onto the building board and then glue
155b and 2 times 155c on it. This ventilator cap glue onto
the base dowel 155. Sand and paint the ventilators.
Glue the mushroom ventilator 155, the liferaft 156, the
stern light 157 and the three lifebelts 158 to the model in
the positions shown on the plan.
The next stage is to prepare parts 159 - 161, which are
assembled to form the ventilators. Bevel the ventilator base
159 and the ventilator arm 160 at 45°, and solder them
together to form a right-angled joint. Apply two-pack adhe-
sive to the ventilator ring 161 and fit it on the ventilator arm.
The completed ventilators can now be glued in the approp-
riate holes in the engine room.
Locate the portholes 162 for the engine room and the
wheelhouse, place the clear lenses in them and secure
each with a drop of cyano. The portholes can now be glued
in the appropriate openings in the engine room and the
wheelhouse. They can be glased with some glasing mate-
rial from behind. Cut out the top and bottom shells of the
inflatable boat 163, and sand the joint faces flat.
Glue the shells together using cyano, and sand the joint
edges when the glue has set hard. The correct spacing
for the boat supports 164 is shown on the plan; mark the
positions on the inflatable boat and glue the supports to it.
Glue the complete assembly to the bridge deck when the
glue has hardened.
The light shaft for the engine room is assembled from
parts 165 - 167 as shown on the plan. Fix the lenses in the
portholes 168 with a drop of cyano, then glue them in the
openings in the light shaft roof 167.
The towing gear 169 can now be assembled, as described
in the instructions supplied with the set. Cut out the engi-
ne room hatch 170 along the marked lines and trim it as
shown on the plan. Cut the holes for the two portholes 171.
Cut the screwholes for the towing gear 169.
Fix the lenses in the portholes with a drop of cyano, then
glue them in the holes in the hatch. The towing gear can
now be attached to the engine room hatch using the
screws supplied.
The light shaft and the engine room hatch are next pre-
pared for fitting. First cover these areas of the deck with
© Krick Modelltechnik, Germany, Stand 04.2021