Surface Burner Conversion
Remove grates, surface burner caps and frenchtop (if applicable)
Surface Burner Conversion
-Locate appropriate orifi ce
-Remove screw (Item #1) fl at-head screwdriver.
- Lay the burner fl ange to side - do not disconnect the igniter wire.(Item
-Use a nut driver to remove orifi ce (Item #3).
-Replace with correct orifi ce - refer to next page.
Tech tip: Tape can be applied to the inside of the socket to assist in the
removal of the surface burner orifi ces. This can prevent the
orifi ces from falling into the range during removal.
- After replacing the orifi ce, replace Item#2 burner fl ange.
-Reinstall screw and reverse procedure to reassemble.
NOTE: For proper placement of the burner head, rotate until burner
head seats into groove.
3 3
Item #1
Item #2
Item #3