R EN T H AL A P EX 3 5
Remove the cable ties using a wire cutter.
Grease the threads of the screws and put
Remove the stem screws and put them aside
them in the handlebar clamps.
(Allen key 4 mm).
Start with the lowermost bolts, torqueing
Make sure the clamp gap of the upper screws
down the bottom part of the stem clamps ac-
is even and the handlebar is centered and
cording to the manufacturer's specifications.
inserted correctly. The adjustment lines will
Take care not to leave a gap here (zero gap).
help you with this. The torque of the screws
Only then should you secure the handlebar
should fit the handlebar and / or stem manu-
with the upper bolts as well.
facturer's guidelines.
0 8 y t
Attach the clamps to the stem (Allen key
4 mm). Please make sure the handlebar
clamps are aligned correctly.
P l ea s e f o l l o w t h e
t o r q u e s pec if ic at io n s o f
t h e ma n u fac t u re r s :
Renthal Apex:
Steerer tube screws //
5 Nm
Handlebar clamp screws //
5 Nm
Make sure the bike is standing safely on the
Turn the rear axle stand on its side. Carefully
rear axle stand.
cut the cable tie using a wire cutter. Remove
the bubble wrap and the foam transport
protection from the chainstay.
Use a torque wrench to tighten the derailleur
bolt. Make sure that the derailleur tab sits
against the corresponding tab on the derail-
leur hanger. Hold the derailleur in place with
your second hand to avoid it rotating out of
position and leaving a gap between the tabs.
Screw the derailleur bolt in, but do not tighten
it yet in order to be able to align the derailleur
properly in the next step (5 mm Allen key).
P l ea se f ol l ow t h e
t o rq u e sp e c i fi c at i on s of
t h e m a n u fac t u rer s:
Rear derailleur screw //
11 Nm
y t 0 9