The phone's web interface
1. Look up the phone's IP address:
2. O pen a web browser on your PC. Enter the IP address in the address bar and
press ENTER. The "welcome" screen opens.
3. C lick on an item in the menu on the left side of the screen to open that window.
4. I f a window contains several pages, click on the tab at the top to open the page.
The font weight of the characters on the tab of the visible page is bold.
5. A ny changes you make will not take effect until you click on "Save". Changes will be
lost if you open another page of the web interface without first clicking on "Save" .
Clock/time format
Web interface > Preferences > General Information > 24 Hour Clock:
On: 24-hour format, 00:00 to 23:59
Off: 12-hour AM/PM format, 0:00 AM to 11:59 PM
Function keys
Virtual key mapping: Web interface of phone > Function Keys.
Change settings > Press "Save". Example: Mapping virtual keys P5 and P6 with
the extension function for extensions 154 and 152, respectively
Configuring & modifying identities
Web interface > Identity 1-12
snom 821 Quick Start Guide
. Example: