General information
General information
Operation Manual
Intended use
This operation manual allows you to work safely
with the Wöhler Cable Reel. Please keep this
manual for your information.
The Wöhler Cable Reel should be employed by
professionals for its intended use only.
Liability is void for any damages caused by not
following this manual.
This operation manual is printed on environmen-
tally friendly recovered paper.
Not following this note can cause permanent dam-
age to the device.
Useful information
The Cable reel is used for winding the camera ca-
ble Wöhler VIS 500. It is especially applied for the
inspection of vertical pipings, e.g chimneys, from
above. For the video inspection a camera head
Wöhler VIS 500 will be connected to the camera
cable of the Cable Reel. The monitor Wöhler VIS
500 will be installed on top of the Cable Reel.
During inspection the Cable Reel can be carried in
front of the body or positioned on the ground. Use
the carrying belt system Wöhler VIS 500 for carry-
ing the Cable Reel in front of the body.