n Label S.r.l.
© 1986 - 2016 Label S.r.l.
All Rights Reserved.
According to copyright laws, this manual cannot be copied, in whole or in part, without the
written consent of Label.
Label has undertaken so that the information contained in this manual be as precise as
possible. Label will not be held liable for any printing errors.
Label will not be held liable for direct or indirect damage to persons, animals or property
resulting from misuse or improper use of its products and for damage resulting from failure to
use or suspension from using the products;; nor will we be held liable for damage which our
products can cause in relation to their use or damage resulting from failure to use the
products during the repair phase, even if covered by Warranty.
For further information on Terms and Conditions of the Warranty, contact Customer Service.
Label reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the products and
documentation without prior notice and without the obligation of having to update previous
products and documentation.
Any updates and additions made to the documentation in subsequent editions, even if
referring to the same product, does not make the previous documentation inadequate.
Version 1.8/2016-07/FR