Brief Operating Instructions for Solenoid Valves
Use as Intended
For safety and reliability this solenoid valve must be operated within the permissible limits and in
accordance with these instructions, otherwise the user will be solely liable for any resultant
damage or injury. Tampering or unauthorised modification of the valve, or failure to follow these
instructions, invalidates the warranty so we are no longer liable. The valve must not be operated
with fluids that chemically attack or mechanically damage its constituent materials. If there are no
empirical values indicating suitability available, it is advisable to seek clarification from our application engineers.
Valves < DN25 comply with Article 3, Clause 3 of the Pressure Vessels Directive (97/23/EC). These operating
instructions form part of the product and must be kept safely available over the service life of the valve.
Safety Precautions
These safety precautions only relate to the individual solenoid valve. In combination with other items of equipment
there may be other potential dangers, which must be taken into account by carrying out a risk analysis for the
• Before commissioning, ensure that any fluid escaping from unsecured openings when the valve
is electrically actuated for the first time cannot give rise to danger.
• Prime the valve slowly when commissioning.
• If there is a surge in pressure the valve will open briefly until the pressure in the actuator compartment
above the diaphragm is balanced via the bleed orifice.
• DANGER! To avoid the risk of getting burnt be careful not to touch the surface of the solenoid,
which will heat up to +120 °C during continuous duty!
• DANGER! NO valves are open in the absence of control voltage.
Secure to prevent any fluid escaping during commissioning.
• The valves are not designed to withstand the fluid freezing.
• Leak and strength tests with the valve open or closed are permitted at up to 1.5 times the maximum
working pressure. The valve must not be switched during these tests.
• DANGER! For safety reasons it is vital to connect the earth wire to the marked terminal
provided for the purpose!
• Ensure the power is switched off before connecting the valve!
• Operating AC solenoids without the plunger and plunger tube will cause them to burn out!
The unit must be installed and put into service by appropriately qualified personnel.
Clean pipework before mounting valve. If necessary, fit strainer upstream of the valve inlet to prevent any dirt leading
to malfunctions. The valve will no longer open or close if control passages are blocked or the plunger jammed by dirt.
Avoid distorting the body of the valve in misaligned pipework, or by using inappropriate tools or sealing material. Do
not use solenoid as a lever. The valve will only close tightly in the direction of flow. Flow in the opposite direction to
the arrow may irreparably damage components. The preferred mounting position is with the solenoid upright, as this
reduces the risk of wear and contamination. If the fluid temperature exceeds +150 °C or the valve function is
normally open, the mounting position is restricted as shown on the table.
Electrical Connection
Connect solenoid in accordance with the electrical regulations.
Solenoids with pin layouts in accordance with DIN EN 175301-803 and frequency range 40-60 Hz must be connected
through the supplied rectifier/device connector. Then close the terminal compartment carefully to restore protection.
Make sure the cable entry is sealed properly. Tighten central screw of the power lead socket to a maximum of
60 Ncm. The housing must not show signs of deformation. Ensure correct polarity of terminals marked + and -. If
unmarked, the supply wires can be connected either way round. It is advisable to carry out an operating test before
pressurising. The clicking (impact) of the plunger must be audible during switching.
Buschjost Norgren GmbH + Co. KG
Buschjost Norgren GmbH + Co. KG
Valve Technology and Systems
D e t m o l d e r Straße 2 5 6
D - 3 2 5 4 5 Bad O e y n h a u s e n
PO Box 1 0 0 2 5 2 - 5 3
D - 3 2 5 0 2 Bad O e y n h a u s e n
++49 5731/791-0
++49 5731/791-179