4. Mic/Line Pushbutton Switch
This pushbutton switch selects the correct type of input impedance and gain for either a line-
level signal or a microphone level signal. Depress the switch for microphone signal level.
5. E10P Level Control
This control adjusts the volume level of the E10P relative to the input signal level. Mixers and
other audio sources connected to the E10P tend to have different output voltages, which means
the level control on the E10P is used to fine tune the cabinet's volume relative to the mixer
settings. It is perfectly acceptable to set the E10P Level above or below the center 0 dB setting.
Normal operation will be within the highlighted range, between 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock.
Note: The operational scale of the Level control changes with Line or Mic operation
(see Mic/Line above). This allows the control to be finely adjusted in Line mode while
having more range in Mic mode. In Line mode, the control should normally be set in
the 0 position and the operating Level set at the source (such as the mixer or other
line-level audio source). Although Level control operation below -8 or above +4 is
acceptable, it can make the system more susceptible to noise or dynamic range
problems (e.g. distortion). Setting the control to 0 will result in full power from a +4
dBv signal. This matches the industry standard for level meter calibration, although
this typically varies with the type of program material being played. Mic operation will
normally work well with settings between -10 and +10 with 0 being a good starting
point. The figures below show the dB gain changes with control position.
6. Tone Controls
The tone controls of the E10P have been specially designed to allow greater tonal range
and flexibility for the type of audio being used, and the Live/Playback Mode pushbutton sets
the frequency ranges over which the Treble and Bass operate.
In Live mode the frequencies were chosen deliberately to include the vocal range; while
in the Playback mode, the vocal range is intentionally unaffected. It is certainly acceptable
to use either mode to get the desired effect. In Live mode the Treble control is set to 1.5 kHz
and the Bass control is set at 350 Hz. In Playback mode the Treble control is set to 4 kHz
and the Bass control is set at 200 Hz.
Note: The tone controls are designed with a 2-pole characteristic enabling greater
control of a specific frequency range. The slope of the curve for the affected region is
also better suited for adjustments and have a range of +/-18 dB (center position being
neutral). Typical tone controls have up to a +/-12 dB range and affect the extremes
of frequency much more than frequencies closer to the middle of the audio range.
This greater range and frequency range shelf lets you shape the frequencies that
matter the most. The 2-pole characteristic, along with the +/- 18 db range make these
controls very powerful. Normally only very small adjustments will be necessary. Most
often, the system will work best with the tone controls set to the mid position.
L i v e M o d e
B a s s C o n t r o l
T r e b l e C o n t r o l
+ 1 8
+ 1 2
+ 6
d b
- 6
- 1 2
- 1 8
2 0
1 0 0
5 0 0
1 k
F r e q u e n c y
0 0
0 0
Level Control
B a s s C o n t r o l
+ 1 8
+ 1 8
+ 1 2
+ 1 2
+ 6
+ 6
d b
d b
- 6
- 6
- 1 2
- 1 2
- 1 8
- 1 8
5 k
1 0 k
2 0 k
2 0
P l a y b a c k M o d e
T r e b l e C o n t r o l
1 0 0
5 0 0
1 k
5 k
1 0 k
2 0 k
F r e q u e n c y
+ 1 8
+ 1 2
+ 6
d b
- 6
- 1 2
- 1 8