Congratulations on your purchase
You want your baby to feel safe and secure, that's why you have purchased a
product. You have made an excellent choice.
greatest possible care and monitored constantly by rigorous quality control assuring that your pram
will rovide lifelong satisfaction. The textiles used for our products have been tested for harmful
substances (chemical residues) according to the industry's own ‚ ÖkoTexStandard 100' to guarantee
that all the fabric parts of your pram are safe for your baby.
imPortantly! please do noT use THIs pram Before readInG THe InsTruCTIons
Carefully, and Keep THese InsTruCTIons for QuerIes or fuTure referenCe.
your CHIld's safeTy may Be affeCTed If you do noT folloW THese InsTruCTIons.
If you do not understand the instructions or if you require more detailed information, contact your
dealer. please ensure that other users are also informed about the functions of the carriage and
the notes on safety.
for the safety of your child
– Before using the pram, make sure all catches are locked.
– Before use, conduct an initial check of the carriage, and do not use it if
it is damaged or if parts are torn or broken.
– Make sure when unfolding the pram and folding it together that your
child is at a safe distance, to avoid any injuries
– Never leave your child unattended in the pram.
– Make sure before using it that the carrycot or the seat unit or the child's
car seat is correctly latched into place.
– Negotiating stairs or steps as well as overloading may damage the
pram and endanger your child.
– When parking the pram, make sure the brake is engaged.
When using public transport, ensure the pram stands safely.
– A pram, stroller or carrycot is not a substitute for a cradle or a bed.It is
intended to be used exclusively as a means of transport.
– Using this pram while jogging, skating, etc. can be dangerous and is
therefore not allowed.
– Do not allow children to play either near or with the pram.
– Always use the restraint system.
– Fix no bags, handbags or other loads to the handle, backrest or sides
of the carriage, as this will affect its stability.
– This model has been designed for 1 child.
– A second child seat is not allowed for this model.
– The seat unit and carrycot are not to be used
for transporting in a car.
– The rain cover may not be used when the hood is taken off (danger of
suffocation). Never expose the rain cover hood to sun while the child is
in the carriage (overheating).
– Keep the carriage away from open fires or other sources of heat.
– Remove immediately all film packaging, and do not allow your child to
play with it (asphyxiation).
– Accessories and spare or replacement parts not approved by the
manufacturer must not be used.
products are manufactured with the