Understanding the Upper Panel Indicator Light
As the LCD display is being toggled through the four cellular bands, the upper
indicator light (power) will glow green, orange, or red on each selected band,
depending on how the booster is functioning on each band as explained below.
Green indicates the unit is powered, and working properly.
Red indicates the booster has shut down due to extreme oscillation (feedback).
Orange indicates the booster has shut down due to extreme signal overload. This
is caused from being too close to a cell tower.
Fixing Red Light Issues
If the power light is red:
1. Make sure all connections are tight.
2. You need to increase the distance between the outside antenna and the
inside antenna by moving them horizontally and/or vertically farther apart.
After doing so, reset the booster by unplugging the power supply and then
plugging it back in. If the light is green after separating the antennas, you
have eliminated the problem.
3. If your coverage area is still too small after separating the antennas contact the
Wilson Electronics Customer Support Team for assistance: 866-839-9361.
Fixing Orange Light Issues
If the power light is orange:
1. It will be necessary to turn the outside antenna away from the nearby cellular
signal in small increments until the light turns green. If the Signal Booster will
not respond, relocation of the outside antenna may be required.
2. If the light remains orange, contact the Wilson Electronics Customer Support
Team for assistance at 866-839-9361.
Contact Wilson Electronics Customer Support Team with any questions at
866-839-9361 or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com