46776-46777 Bedienungsanleitung_130710:46776/46777 Bedienungsanlei
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• Bathrooms and places with high levels of air humidity.
• Garages.
• Kitchens. If you do install a smoke detector in a kitchen, ensure that it is at least 13 feet
(4 metres) from the stove or hob.
• Near heaters, heating/cooling shafts and ventilation shafts.
• Near heating stoves and open fireplaces.
• In places with very high levels of dust.
• In places where temperatures drop to below -10°C or rise to over +40°C.
• On the ceilings of caravans or motorhomes. In these cases, you are recommended to fit the
device to an interior wall panel. The sun's rays heat up the ceiling, causing the air inside the
vehicle to rise. This hot air at ceiling level can prevent smoke from reaching the detector.
This alarm is designed for your safety. However under certain influences the alarm may
not go off or give a false alarm.
Turn the device anticlockwise to separate it from its base for installation.
Install the base at the desired location, using the screws provided.
Attach the battery to the connection clip
Refit the smoke detector to the base, rotating it clockwise to lock it in position. Important: the
safety block
being fitted with a battery. Ensure that the battery is connected and inserted correctly.
The smoke detector emits a very loud alarm signal. So when activating the test button
keep an arm's length away. Activate the test button until the LED lamp in the test button
flashes and the alarm sounds (alarm sounds 2-3x and stops automatically). Release the test
button as soon as you hear the alarm. This is to check whether the electronics, the alarm
signal of the detector and the battery are working. It is recommended that the device is tested
monthly, after each battery change and after setting into service.
The need to change the batteries is announced by a beep repeated every 30 to 40 seconds.
The detector is still operative for a few days after this time.
According to the type of batteries used, the time of full functional capability may vary on
indication of an empty battery. At the first sign of an empty battery, the battery should be
Only carry out a replacement with an identical or equivalent type of battery (see also Techni-
cal Data). Do not use rechargeable batteries or mains adapters. These can cause false alarms
or failure of the detector.
The smoke detector carries out a self test every 30 to 40 seconds. You can recognise this by
the LED lamp in the test button
Strong draughts of air, steam and kitchen fumes, high air humidity, dust etc. can all cause false
alarms. Cigarette smoke does not normally trigger the alarm. If the alarm does sound, check first
to see if there really is a fire. If there is no fire, check to see if the alarm has been triggered for
one of the reasons mentioned above. In order to stop the false alarm, you must disconnect the
battery from the device.
and place it flat in its compartment
is designed to stop the smoke detector being attached to the base without
flashing briefly.
Places where
smoke detectors
should NOT be
Installation and
first use
Function check
Replacing the
False alarms