Operating Instructions
Pressure Gauges
Model P2330
loadable up to 40 bar
Model P2112
Notes according to Pressure Equipment Directive
The pressure gauges are "pressure accessories"
in accordance with article 1, paragraph 2.1.4.
The volume of the pressure bearing housing of tecsis
pressure gauges is < 0.1 L.
The pressure gauges carry the CE marking for fluid
group 1G in accordance with annex 2, table 1 when
their permissible working pressure exceeds 200 bar.
Pressure gauges that do not carry the CE marking
are manufactured in accordance with article 3,
paragraph 3 "sound engineering practice".
Technical alteration rights observed.
tecsis GmbH
Carl-Legien-Straße 40-44
63073 Offenbach . Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)69/5806 0
Fax: +49 (0)69/5806 7788
E-Mail: info@tecsis.de
BD/BE /BF 100 c
1 Safety instructions
The user must ensure that the appropriate
pressure gauge with regard to scale range
and performance and the appropriate
wetted material (corrosion) for the specific
measuring conditions of the respective appli-
cation is selected. In order to guarantee the accuracy and
long-term stability specified, the corresponding load limits
are to be observed. Specifications: see data sheet under
Only qualified persons authorised by the plant manager
are permitted to mount, maintain and service the pressure
Dangerous pressure media such as Oxygen, Acetylene,
flammable gases or liquids, toxic gases or liquids as well
Differential Pressure
as for refrigerating plants or compressors requires atten-
Model P2680
tion above the standard regulations. Here the specific
loadable up to 400 bar
safety codes or regulations must be considered.
After an external fire, pressure media can leak out, parti-
cularly at soft solder joints. All gauges must be checked
and, if necessary, replaced before recommissioning the
Serious injuries and/or damage can occur should the
appropriate regulations not be observed.
2 Mechanical connection
According to the general technical regulations for pressure
gauges, respectively (i.e. EN 837-2). When screw-fitting
the gauges the force required for this must not be applied
through the case or terminal box but just through the
spanner flats (with suitable tool) provided for this purpose.
Installation with
open-ended spanner
Correct sealing of pressure gauge connections with
parallel thread shall be means of a suitable sealing
ring, sealing washer or tecsis profile seals. The sealing of
tapered threads (e.g. NPT threads) is made by providing the
thread with additional sealing material like, for example,
PTFE tape (EN 837-2).
wrench surface
sealing area
The torque depends on the seal used. With standard G-type
pipe thread, gauge connection by means of a union nut or
a LH-RH adjusting nut is recommended to simplify correct
orientation of the gauge.
sealing of the
When a blow-out device is fitted to a pressure gauge, it
must be protected against being blocked by debris and dirt.
With safety pattern gauges (see dial symbol
need to pay attention to the fact that the free space behind
the blow-out back will be at least 15 mm.
2.1 Special requirements for the installation point
If the measuring point is not adequately stable a measuring
instrument support such as a bracket or flange should be
used for fastening (and possibly via a flexible capillary line).
If the pressure gauge is exposed to vibration or pulsating
pressure or both, then a liquid filled pressure gauge may
provide considerably better performance and readabili-
ty. Instruments should be protected against coarse dirt
and wide fluctuations in ambient temperature. EN 837-2
„Selection and installation recommendations for pressure
gauges" should be complied with.
3 Admissible ambient and working temperatures
When mounting the pressure gauge it has to be ensured
that, taking the influence of convection and heat radiation
into consideration, no upper or lower deviation from the
permissible ambient and medium temperatures can occur.
The influence of temperature on the class accuracy is to be
4 Storage
The pressure gauge should remain in its original
packing until installation. The gauge should be
protected from external damage during storage.
Storage temperature: -40 °C ... +70 °C.
Pressure gauges removed from service should be protected
from dust and humidity.
5 Maintenance and servicing / Repairs
The instruments require no maintenance or servicing.
Tests should be carried out on a regular basis to
guarantee the measuring accuracy of the pressure gauge.
The tests or recalibrations have to be carried out by quali-
fied persons with the appropriate
Remainder of the pressure medium
contained in the pressure element may
be hazardous or toxic. This should be
considered when handling and storing
the removed pressure gauge.
6 Applied standard
EN 837-1 Bourdon tube pressure gauges,
dimensions, metrology, requirements and
EN 837-2 Selection and installation
recommen dations for pressure gauges
EN 837-3 Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges,
dimensions, metrology, requirements and
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