When using the device for the first time, make sure to clean all parts as described in the section "Cle-
aning and Disinfection".
1. Choose whether to use the EASY 2 nebulizer or the NOSE CLEAN nasal irrigator.
2. EASY 2 nebulizer (Pic. 2/A):
a. Open the nebulizer (9) and pour in the amount of medicine as prescribed by the physician. Make
sure not to pass the maximum level mark.
b. Choose the most suitable inhalation accessory, as prescribed by the physician (Pic. 2/B).
c. Connect the nebulizer to the compressor using the air tube (Pic. 2/D) and plug in the power cord
in an electric outlet making sure that the supply voltage is in compliance with what is stated in
this manual or the device nameplate.
d. Press the ON/OFF (2) button to turn on the device. Place the mouthpiece (8) in the mouth, rest
the mask (6 or 7) against the face, making sure that it covers nose and mouth.
3. NOSE CLEAN nasal irrigator (Pic. 2/C):
a. Open the nasal irrigator (10) and take out the nebulizing system along with the chamber to
collect the residues.
b. Pour in the solution or medicine, as prescribed by the physician.
c. Insert the nebulization system, taking care to slot it correctly into the slot on the nebulizer body.
d. Close the nasal irrigator and use the most suited adult or pediatric adapter.
Never force closure and make sure that the slot at the bottom of the adaptor is level with the
chamber to collect residues.
e. Connect the nasal irrigator to the compressor air tube (Pic. 2/D) and plug in the power cord in an
electric outlet making sure that the supply voltage is in compliance with what is stated in this
manual or the device nameplate.
f. Press the ON/OFF (2) button to switch on the compressor and place the adaptor in the nostril to
be treated. Press the start button for the nebuliser and breathe in.
g. Release the button and gently blow into the nasal irrigator through the treated nostril. Any fluid
or mucus residues will be collected in the special chamber.
4. Sit in a relaxed position with the upper body straight.
Do not lie down while inhaling.
5. After having completed the therapy session as recommended by the physician, press the ON/OFF
(2) button to turn off the device and unplug the power cord from the electric outlet.
6. Make sure that the air tube contains no condensation. In case of condensation, switch on the
compressor to dry up any moisture in the tube and then disconnect it as described above.
7. Empty out the remaining medicine from the nebulizer and clean the device in all of its parts, as
described in the section "Cleaning and Disinfection".
This device has been designed to work 30 min. ON / 30 min. OFF.