When making the hole for the flue pipe it must be taken
into account the possible presence of inflammable
materials. If the hole has to go through a wood wall or
other thermo labile material, the installer MUST use the
Industrial insulated pipe (with min thermal conductivity
of 0.07 W/m°K). The same applies if the stove pipe
must go vertical or horizontal sections remain near
(min.20 cm) to a heat-labile wall.
The combustion chamber works in depression, so the
exhaust duct for the exhaust fumes will be linked to
depression when effective chimney as prescribed.
It should always use pipes and fittings with
appropriate seals to ensure airtightness in
order to avoid possible harmful CO fumes
into the environment.
All sections of the exhaust duct must be
inspectable and removable to allow for
periodic cleaning of the interior, which is necessary
for the proper functioning of the system (T-piece
with inspection). Position the stove strict accordan-
ce with all regulatory requirements and attention to
highlighted date
All changes direction 90 degrees of the flue gas channel must be prepared if possible, with the appro-
priate fittings to "T" with inspection. It is absolutely forbidden to use a net at the end of the hose as it
can cause serious problems for the proper and safe operation of the stove.
In connection do not use the chimney sections of pipe horizontally, but always the same place at an
angle of 5° minimum to rise, possibly avoiding the use of a 90-degree (you can use up to 3) and use
preferably 45° curves. It is recommended to not use a total length of the pipe diameter 80 mm, greater
than 6 m in total.
example of pellet stove installation
[ EN ● 9 ]
Version: 2.0
KEN002PW18 25.11.2019
2 - 3 m max
3 - 5 %