How To Clean The Filter System
Method A
1.Clean and activate the ceramic balls after use of 1000L water regularly.
2.Take the filter system away from the tank cover.
3.Put the filter system into the white vinegar for about 10 minutes.
4.Take the filter system away from the white vinegar; shake for several times, clean it with
clear water.
5.Make it dry. Pack it into a polybag. Keep it in a cool and shady place.
Method B
1.Clean and activate the ceramic balls after use of 1000L water regularly.
2.Take the filter system away from the tank cover.
3.Put out the ceramic balls and clean it with clear water.
4.Sun them for several hours under sunshine.
5.Put ceramic balls back to filter cartridge.
6.Pack it into a polybag. Keep it in a cool and shady place.
How to clean the transducer
1.Put 5-10 drops of cleaning abluent on the surface of the transducer, wait for 2-5 minutes;
2.Brush out the scale on the surface.
3.Rinse the transducer with clean water.
How to clean the basin unit
1.Cleaning the water basin with soft cloth and the cleaning abluent if there is scale in it.
2.If the scale is covered on the security switch, drop the cleaning abluent on the scale and
clean it out with the brush.
3.Rinsing the water basin with clean water.
WHC750 User Manual