Wheel steering adjustment
Set the desired wheel steering range through the wheel steering adjustment
knob (fig. 7). Turn right (A) to raise the wheel turning range. Turn left (B) to
reduce the value.
Reversed direction of the throttling valve
and control knob
To change the car turning direction (left/right), set the slide (A, fig. 8) in position
R. To restore default settings, set the slide in position N.
To change the car driving direction (forward/backward), set the slide (B, fig. 8)
in position R. To restore default settings, set the slide in position N.
How to control the car
Remove the protective film from the car before use.
Turn the car on by setting the slide in ON position (fig. 9). The slide is
located under the car cover.
Turn the controller on by setting the slide in ON position (fig. 10). The
LED light on the controller will turn red. If the LED light does not glow,
make sure the batteries have been properly installed and charged. If the
LED light flashes in red, it means an attempt to connect to the device
or low battery.
Press the controller's throttling valve (fig. 11) forward or backward to
control the car driving direction (forward/backward).
Turn the knob forward and backward (fig. 12) to move front wheels and
control the car driving direction (right/left).
In case of collision, release the throttling valve.
In case of a low storage battery, the car will reduce its speed and eventually
stop completely.
When driving is finished, turn the car and controller off as well as remove
the storage battery from the car to prevent extensive battery wear.
Before another charging, let the storage battery cool down.