M30 Normal foot
M31 Flat foot
M32 Clawfoot
Muscles and ligaments
M30, M31, M32
1 Calcaneal tendon
2 Flexor digitorum longus
3 Tendon of tibialis posterior
4 Flexor hallucis longus
5 Tendon of tibialis anterior
6 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
7 Flexor retinaculum
M30, M31, M32
8 Abductor hallucis
9 Flexor digitorum brevis
10 Tendon of flexor hallucis longus
11 Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments
12 Tibia
13 Medial malleolus
14 Medial malleolar facet
15 Talus
16 Navicular
17 Medial cuneiform
18 Intermediate cuneiform
19 Calcaneus
20 Metatarsal I
21 Sesamoid bone
22 Proximal phalanx I
23 Distal phalanx I