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Illnesses of the Oesophagus English The life-size model is a frontal section of the lower part of the oesophagus from normal to columnar oeso- phageal epithelium. The diaphragm is recognisable in area of the oesophagus' point of passage. Furthermore, the upper part (cardia and fundus) of the stomach is shown. The back of the oesophagus, diaphragm and stomach is anatomically replicated with unstriated muscles.
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Erkrankungen der Speiseröhre Enfermedades del esófago Deutsch Español Das Modell zeigt in natürlicher Größe einen Frontalschnitt durch den unteren Anteil der Speiseröhre El modelo representa de tamaño natural un corte frontal de la parte inferior del esófago con la transición (Ösophagus) mit dem Wechsel von normaler auf zylindrische Ösophagusschleimhaut (Epithel).
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Doenças do esófago Affections de l'œsophage Français Português Le modèle montre une coupe de face grandeur nature de la section inférieure de l'œsophage avec le O modelo representado em tamanho natural mostra um corte frontal da parte inferior do esófago com a passage de la muqueuse normale à...
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Malattie dell’esofago Italiano Questo modello presenta una sezione frontale a grandezza naturale della porzione inferiore dell’esofa- go, con il passaggio da mucosa esofagea normale a cilindrica (epitelio). Nell’area di passaggio all’eso- fago si riconosce anche il diaframma. È rappresentata inoltre la sezione superiore dello stomaco (car- dias e fondo).
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