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Patent pending: International Patent Application No. PCT/EP2013/066497 ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO Registered Community Design No. 002178533-0001/0002 GEBRUIKERSHANDLEIDING Buggypod® is a registered trademark of Revelo Limited IMPORTANT! Revelo Limited offers customer support via telephone and email. Please contact us on 0870 850 3463 (UK only, Mon-Fri) or visit KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
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SOMMAIRE I. Composants II. Avertissements III. Montage Buggypod Perle sur Lascal BuggyBoard (nécessite Buggypod Conseil Perle adaptateur disponible séparément) IV. Montage Buggypod Perle sur Bugaboo planche à roulettes (nécessite Buggypod Perle Conseil adaptateur) V. Utilisation Buggypod Perle S1/S2 SPIS TREŚCI I.
Zawsze przypinaj dziecko pięciopunktowymi pasami bezpieczeństwa - Do not allow your child to play with the Buggypod Perle when it is not in use. Dla komfortu i bezpieczeństwa, Buggypod Perle zawsze powinien być umieszczony tak, - Remove all packaging and keep it out of your child’s reach.
Per motivi di comfort e di sicurezza, posizionare sempre il Buggypod Perle in modo che il seggiolino sia orizzontale. Non fate giocare il vostro bambino con la seggiolina Buggypod Perle se non è inserito nella stessa. Rimuovere gli imballaggi e tenerli lontani dalla portata del bambino.
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PERLE BOARD ADAPTOR) these as appropriate to allow the Buggypod Buggypod Perle Füsse später in den Adapter passen können). interno del carrello Perle feet to slot into them later). Place Buggyboard upside down on a surface.
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Buggyboard, pronto per l’installazione del Buggypod Perle. Check the wheeled board is level to the Perle. Controllare che il carrello sia al livello del suolo Faites glisser la partie courbe de l’adaptateur ground before use and that the wheeled board e che sia stato installato secondo le istruzione del dans la partie Y.
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Buggypod Perle. Check the wheeled board Perle. Controllare che il carrello sia al livello del suolo is level to the ground before use and that the e che sia stato installato secondo le istruzione del Verrouiller le pivot en place en appuyant sur le levier avant.
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Inflate ball to 25cm diameter with supplied straw Close the seat ring tube down onto Gonfiare la palla fino ad un diametro di 25cm con or using mouth. Use template to check the ball. l’apposita cannuccia o usando la bocca. Usare il it is correctly inflated.
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The five-point harness can be adjusted by sliding that the middle strap is in between your the adjusting mechanism over the straps into the The Buggypod Perle is fitted with a 5 point harness. Always check whether the straps are in child’s leags.