1) alimentazione: 230V~
2) campo di regolazione del termostato da 12 a 32°C con differenziale 0.7 °C
3) n° 2 ingressi optoisolati per cambio stagionale remoto (IN2) e riduzione set o spegnimento comando (IN1)
4) controllo stato sonde: nella situazione in cui la sonda aria risultasse interrotta o in corto, il comando si predispone in funzionamento continuo
(uscita valvole eccitate e ventilazione attiva) ed il led rosso posto sul frontalino del comando inizia a lampeggiare; nella configurazione "commu-
tazione automatica estate-inverno" il comando è disattivvo e solo il led lampeggia.
Termostatazione sulle valvole e velocità continua del motore
Dip switch N° 1 OFF
Dip switch N° 2 OFF
Con questo programma viene disabilitata la funzione del commutatore Estate-Inverno
Diagramma di funzionamento con zona morta:
Posizione 3 = Elettrovalvola acqua calda OFF
Posizione 3' = Elettrovalvola acqua fredda OFF
Posizione 4 = Elettrovalvola acqua calda ON
Posizione 4' = Elettrovalvola acqua fredda ON
Velocità: I = bassa
II = media
III = alta
Avant-garde design has created an easy to programme and highly sensitive automatic electronic control for the FAN COIL.
The fan coil can be operated via the numerous functions and options incorporated in this microprocessor-based control unit.
The basic functions of the control unit consist in:
• Turning the fan coil on and off.
• Control room temperature.
• Setting and reading the required room temperature (SET).
• Manual or automatic selection of the three fan speeds.
• The control unit is set for winter operation; supplying line voltage (L = 230V~) to the terminal IN2 of the fan coil activates the electronic selector to
switch into summer mode.
• Selecting the summer or winter operating cycle directly from the control switch, via an electric signal from the heating plant, or automatically using
a CHANGEOVER in two-pipe systems, based on the setting selected by a Jumper (J2) inside the control unit.
• In four-pipe fan coils with ON/OFF water valves and the two liquids (hot and cold water) constantly present in the circuits, automatic switching between
heating and cooling phases according to the difference between set temperature and room temperature with a dead zone of ~2°C.
• By connecting a line signal (L = 230V~) on the terminal board (IN1), a timer or simple switch can be used to vary the set temperature (-3°C winter, +3°C
summer; DIP3 = ON), or totally exclude fan coil operation during periods when the premises are unoccupied (DIP3 = OFF).
• During summer operation with the fan OFF, a timer activates the fan for 2 minutes every 15 minutes.
• In the winter cycle only, if a minimum sensor is connected (TME accessory located between the fins of the heat exchange coil), the fan coil will start
up only if the water temperature rises above 38°C and shut down when water temperature drops below 34°C.
• In the summer cycle only, if a minimum sensor is connected (TME accessory located between the fins of the heat exchange coil), the fan coil will start
up only if the water temperature rises above 21°C and shut down when water temperature drops below 24°C.
Before closing the control unit, check that the default configuration of the dip switches and the jumper on the electronic board (see drawing "Default
configuration of the dip switches" and Jumper) satisfies the requirements of the installation. If not, program the control unit in accordance with the
required functions.
• Type of ON/OFF thermostatic control (dip1 and dip 2):
1) on motor = poles 1 to ON and 2 to ON
2) on valves = pole 1 OFF and pole 2 ON
3) on valves and motor simultaneously = pole 1 ON and pole 2 OFF
• Summer/winter switching JUMPER J2:
The control unit is set for winter operation; supplying line voltage (L = 230V~) to the terminal IN2 of the fan coil activates the electronic selector to
switch into summer mode.
1) can be selected using the control switch: Jumper J2 in default position, pins 1-2 closed.
2) can be selected by remote signal: Jumper J2 between pins 2-3 closed (the summer/winter switch is disabled).
Local Summer/Winter switching
Remote Summer/Winter switching
Code 9060134