2.6 Packaged items
◆200 Amp electrode holder with 3M cable
◆300 Amp earth clamp with 3M cable
◆Operating Manual
3.1 Layout for the panel
DO NOT TOUCH the electrode wire while it is being fed through the system. The electrode
wire will be at welding voltage potential.
1. Digital Ammeter
The digital Ammeter is used to display the actual output current of the power source.
2. Hot Start
Hot Start Function reliably ignites the electrode
and melts perfectly to ensure the best quality
even at the start of the seam. this solution makes
lack of fusion and cold welds a thing of the past
and significantly reduces weld reinforcement.
Adjust the hot start current here and the time here.
Arcforce Correction
During the welding process, arcforce prevents
t h e e l e c t r o d e s t i c k i n g i n t h e w e l d p o o l w i t h
increases in current. this makes it easier to weld
large-drop melting electrode types at low current
strengths with a short arc in particular.
Anti-stick prevents the electrode from annealing.
If the electrode sticks in spite of the arcrorce device, the
m a c h i n e a u t o m a t i c a l l y s w i t c h e s o v e r t o t h e m i n i m u m
current within about 1 second to prevent the electrode
f r o m o v e r h e a t i n g . I n o r d e r t o e a s i l y s e p a r a t e t h e
e l e c t r o d e a n d e l e c t r o d e h o l d e r t o p r o t e c t t h e w e l d e r.
3. Amperage display
Set the welding current and the function selection, this power indicatorshines.
4. Current adjusting button/functions choosing
Clockwise rotate to enlarge the current, and anti-clockwise rotate to reduce the current.
If you need to choose different programming parameters (the 2 mark), press the
button and release it to choose different functions.
5. Power indicator
The green power indicator will be illuminated when the welder is turned ON and indicates
the presence of power.
6.Thermal overload indicator light
This welding power source is protected by a self resetting thermostat. The indicator will
illuminate if the duty cycle of the power source has been exceeded. Should the thermal
overload indicator illuminate the output of the power source will be disabled. Once the
power source cools down this light will go OFF and the over temperature condition will
automatically reset. Note that the mains power switch should remain in the on position
such that the fan continues to operate thus allowing the unit to cool sufficiently. Do not
switch the unit off should a thermal overload condition be present.