Slightly taper the end of the gaff sail boom to a
diameter of 7 mm.
Now the gaff is also ready to stain and you can
attach the jib boom as a final step. To do so,
sand or plane the square bar part 141 in the
front part so that it is round instead of square.
The diameter should be 7 mm.
Sand slanting surfaces on the top of KFL part
142 as shown.
Drill a 2 mm hole in the starboard side of the jib
boom to pin the boom together with the towing
bitt 142. Also drill a 2 mm hole in part 142 for
the jib boom and in the contact surface.
10. Metal fittings
These fittings can be found in the brass etch-
ing board photo. The parts numbers can be
seen in the drawing in the Appendix.
You should choose whether you want the
brass parts to be brass coloured or black. If
you want to colour the fittings black, you can
use the blackening agent, Krick order number
82001, for this.
Updated June 2016
Stick together the chain plate's part 145 from 2
parts each or, if you can, solder them. Both
hard and soft soldering are possible here.
Bend two jib plates from parts 155 for the 8
mm x 8 mm jib boom.
Bend parts 153 to form 2 half shells and solder
or stick to the gaff yardarm adjust the diameter
to the diameter of the gaff. Remove any grease
from the adhesive surfaces and roughen with
sand paper.
Of course, the brass parts can also be sol-
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Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen