Getting Started
The IVAC PCAM system allows a patient to maintain a consistent level of pain relief by
providing self administration of a clinician-prescribed dose of analgesic as and when it
is required.
When the hand set is operated and the demand is within the parameters set by the
clinician, the PCAM will automatically administer a precise bolus dose of analgesic.
For enhanced monitoring and management of post operative acute pain within the
hospital, the IVAC PCAM provides convenient Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) and
detailed information at the bed-side about the patients use of PCA.
Central to an effective pain service, PCAM promotes improved pain management,
more effective use of nursing resources, better patient outcomes and can contribute
towards a quicker discharge from hospital.
Features of IVAC PCAM
User configured PCA protocols.
Comprehensive history.
Large graphics format display.
Two key positions providing separation of nursing
and programming procedures.
5 pre-set hospital PCA protocols.
Unique electronic hand set with status indicator.
Communications and nurse call interfaces.
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