Permanent signal of output 2,
activated at count value
in adding mode and at count value
zero in subtracting mode*
Permanent signal of output 2, will
become passive at count value
preset 2 in adding mode and at
count value
Timed signal of output 2, will
become passive at count value =
preset 2 in adding mode and at
count value = zero in subtracting
Timed signal of output 2, activated
at count value = preset 2 in adding
mode and at count value = zero in
subtracting mode*
Duration of timed signal of output 2
can be set from 00.01 s to 99.99 s.
* Activation of relay coil or opto-
coupler when reaching the preset
** Relay coil becomes dead or
optocoupler will be locked when
reaching the preset value
6.2.3 Programming routine Frequency Meter
preset 2
zero in subtracting
Gate time = within this period the
incoming pulses will be counted
and displayed.
Programmable range from 00.01 s
to 99.99 s
Setting with
00.00 wonʼt be accepted
Polarity of the inputs:
pospol: positive polarity (PNP)
sourcing from +24V
negpol: negative polarity (NPN)
sinking to 0V
Input modes:
E1: INP A = count input
INP B = count direction input
E2: INP A = count input adding
INP B = count input subtr.
E3: Quadrature input
INP A = count input 0°
INP B = count input 90°
E4: same as E3, but with pulse
Each pulse edge of INP A will
be counted.
Scaling factor:
Setting with
Factor 0.0000 wonʼt be accepted
Decimal point
(only optical function):
= no decimal point
= one decimal place
0.00 = two decimal places
0.000 = three decimal places