Storage battery introduction
Storage battery is a device of chemical energy change to electrical energy and
the device of inverter input. Choose a suitable battery corresponding to the
inverter model to ensure a optimal functioning.
Storage battery performance index
1. Capacity: Represents how much energy at full power equals the discarging
current multiplied by discharging time.
Capacity = discharge current (I) x discharge time (H)
2. Discharge rate: The speed of each discharge current.
3. Discharge current: Discharge current is output current. It is usually expressed
by ampere or volume multiply by some coefficient.
4. Final discharging voltage: It means the voltage when battry is not going to
discharge; it is usually I. 75V/unit cell
5. Nominal capacity: It means the capacity after 20 hours discharge.
6. Self discharge rate: The battery would discharge without using.
The unit is C/unit.
Choosing the right battery
Because inverters need strong current when it is working, capacity it if the
capauly of the battery and max output culrent are not enovgh would cause
inverter can not be drived full loaded. Also, it would cuase damaged of battery.
The storage bettery capacity depends on max discharge current:
Max discharge current=rated power/(storage voltage*0.85)
Storage battery capacity=most discharge current*discharging time
PNI L1200W Inverter rated power is 1200W, input voltage is 12V, so:
Most discharge current=l200/(12*0.85)=117 A;
If kept working for 2hours:
Storage battery capacity=l17*2=235AH
Please choose a battery with a capacity higher than 235AH.
User manual PNI L1200W